What is a Psychoeducational Assessment?
A psychoeducational assessment involves psychological testing to explore an individual’s specific areas of strength and need. It considers multiple areas of development and functioning, like cognitive, academic, social, emotional, adaptive, and behavioural. Through the use of various instruments and information sources, we can identify underlying mental processes that are affecting an individual’s life. This includes the use of standardized tests (in-person or online), interviews, questionnaires, a review of academic history and patterns, and a review of medical history. All of the information gathered from these sources helps us to understand the individual as a whole being and identify their unique strengths and needs. With a clear understanding of the individual, we can then determine a most appropriate plan of action to meet their needs. Ultimately, a psychoeducational assessment can help to outline how an individual can use their strengths to pursue their goals and advocate for themselves in their daily life.
Who can benefit from a Psychoeducational Assessment?
Psychoeducational Assessments can benefit anyone who is interested in knowing more about themselves as a learner and anyone who wants to learn how to meet their potential. Parnell Psychology works with youth of all ages and backgrounds – children, teenagers, and young adults. We help with a variety of challenges both at home and school, including but not limited to:
Difficulties with learning and their relationship with school,
Difficulties with interest and motivation,
Difficulties with emotional and/or behavioural regulation,
Difficulties with attention, focus, impulsivity,
Challenges related to anxiety,
Challenges related to low mood and depression,
Challenges related to trauma and loss.
We collaborate with parents and schools to develop a strategic plan in improving a youth’s experience at home, in class, on the playground, and in the workplace. Most often, people are referred for an assessment due to the following concerns:
Behaviour challenges in the classroom and/or at home (inattentive, disruptive, disengaged, can’t sit still/always on the go, lethargic)
A history of difficulties with academic achievement (reading, writing, math, etc.) or a sudden and unexpected change in achievement
Continued difficulties with academic achievement even when supports and interventions have been implemented
Delays (speech and language, fine and gross motor skills, social impairments, etc.)
Problems with making and keeping healthy relationships
Problems with mental health, either ongoing or sudden and unexpected changes.
Where do these assessments occur?
Assessments can be done either online through video-conferencing or in-person at a quiet setting, such as in our office or at the client’s school. Note that the psychologist will determine if a virtual assessment is appropriate for a client with consideration for the youth’s individual profile and presenting needs. If the assessment is to take place through video-conferencing, we will meet with the referring source to discuss how to prepare for the virtual session.
How long does an assessment take?
A complete assessment, from planning, direct testing time, scoring and report writing, through to the final feedback meeting can take anywhere from 15-20 hours. Direct testing time can take anywhere from 3 to 8 hours (youth are given breaks throughout the assessment to maintain their motivation and attention). It is best to bring snacks and water to the assessment so that natural breaks can be taken to sustain energy. In some cases, we will need to book additional time with an individual to complete the assessment, while in other instances, the assessment will finish earlier than anticipated. The variability of time depends on the youth’s energy levels and needs throughout the assessment; our team always works to accommodate this. We do our best to keep the youth engaged and present during the assessment.
What does a Psychoeducational Assessment look like?
When you first come in for your assessment, you will be introduced to the psychometrist who will be working with you or your child/youth. The psychometrist will complete a clinical interview with you to learn more about specific strengths, interests, habits, interventions explored, and primary area(s) of concern. Teachers or parents accompanying the youth to the assessment will also be interviewed to provide additional information – this helps us to get a complete picture. Once the clinical interviews are complete, the academic and cognitive testing begins, which takes up the bulk of the time in the assessment. When testing wraps up, we will send out questionnaires to supporting adults (parents and teachers) to complete. We will schedule a feedback meeting for approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the assessment date as it takes some time to conceptualize each case. In the feedback meeting, our psychologist, Natalie Parnell, will review the detailed findings of the assessment and answer any outstanding questions you may have. You will be provided with an in-depth report of assessment findings as well as strategies and recommendations to support the client. This report can be shared with the school, your family doctor, and supporting team – the discretion is left up to you.
This section continues to be in development! More to come soon!
We provide workshops for parents and educators to assist in children's education.
Reading, Writing, and Mathematics: Where do I start and how do I support my child?
Tips for reading a Psychoeducational Report and IEP
Exploring Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation with Children
Tips to Manage Inattentiveness and Hyperactivity at Home and in the Classroom
Building Self-Advocacy and Social Skills in Shy Children
Supporting My Child while Co-Parenting
Pandemic Effects on Learning and Navigating Change
This section continues to be in development! More to come soon!
This section continues to be in development! More to come soon!
This section continues to be in development! More to come soon!